Sunday, 17 August 2014

And So 'The Wanderlust & I' Began

I've always adored travelling. The unknown, the excitement, the discoveries and the memories that travelling entails will never stop appealing to me. Having been lucky enough to experience different continents and cultures from a young age, I'm desperate to explore the world some more. 
This September marks the start of my second year at sixth form. With the end of A-Levels only a year away, I thought that now would be a good time to start documenting my plans, adventures and ideas along the way.

I'll be blogging about lifestyle, food, fitness, fashiongeneral wellbeing and travel. If you'd like to join me on my travels, learn some yoga moves, try some healthy recipes or simply want some advice on one of the above categories, follow along here.


  1. It's a shame your not posting on your other blog but I'll follow this one now ^.^
    I absolutely love travelling too and cannot wait until I can do more of it!

    niamh /

    1. you're* haha I had to correct myself, sorry! x

    2. Hi Niamh! I'm so so sorry I haven't replied in so long - I've been busy with school work and have left my blogs feeling somewhat neglected!
      Thank you for the follow, I have a few posts planned that should be up soon!
      I cannot wait to start travelling more, there's so much to see and do and it's all so exciting :)
      Hannah x

